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    © Prepared by OTSM-TRIZ Technologies Center, 1998-2002

        IN RUSSIAN:

    1.Altshuller G.S., Shapiro R.V. ABOUT A TECHNOLOGY OF CREATIVITY. Questions of Psychology, #6, 37-49. 1956 (First publication)

    This was the first publication about TRIZ. The article presents the foundations behind the TRIZ approach drawn from the regularities of technology evolution.In this publication, basic theoretical concepts of TRIZ were described: definition of a technical contradiction; definition of ideal final result; definition of inventive principles. A program for further TRIZ evolution was discussed. This program runs more than 40 years.
    2.Altshuller G.S. HOW TO LEARN TO INVENT. Tambov: Tambovskoe knijnoe izdatelstvo, 1961.

    This was the first comprehensive book (128 pages) about a methodology of inventive problem solving. 50 000 copies of the book were printed and sold. The book summarizes the experience with studying 4000 patents, first seminars about methodology of inventive problem solving and the earliest results from using the TRIZ approach.

    It includes review of disadvantages of existed approaches to creativity and a brief history of TRIZ evolution. The book presents an algorithm of inventive problem solving with detailed description of analysis; some inventive principles; some discussions of the laws of evolution of technical systems with a large number of patents and practical examples drawn from the history of technology.
    3.Altshuller G.S. THE FONDATION OF INVENTION, Voroneg: Centralno-Chernozemnoe izdatelstvo, 1964.

    This popular book about the Theory of inventive problem solving includes definition and examples of an ideal machine, deep analysis of the evolution of technical systems, algorithm of inventive problem solving, 69 inventive principles and a matrix for technical contradiction elimination.

    Most of the book is devoted to description of analyzing and solving practical problems with the algorithm of inventive problem solving, as well as description of the evolution of technical systems based on the studies of the history of the technology.
    4.Altshuller G.S. ALGORITHM OF INVENTION. Moscow: Moscowskiy Rabochy. (1st ed.-1969; 2nd ed.-1973)

    This book presents in detail the basic theoretical concepts of TRIZ through a large number of examples and case studies. Book includes the review of technical system evolution and analysis of modern stage through patent resources.

    It includes the descriptions of ARIZ-61 and ARIZ-71 and many examples of the use of ARIZ-71.

    This book described for the first time the 40 Inventive principles and the Table of technical contradiction elimination (for 40 Inventive rules).

    5.Altshuller G.S. CREATIVITY AS AN EXACT SCIENCE. Moscow: Sovietskoe radio, 1979.

    This book includes descriptions of 70 inventive problems, ARIZ-77 and several examples of solving problems with a new version of ARIZ.

    The book presents a system of the Laws of Evolution of Technical Systems, the first version of Inventive Rules (Standards), and the principles of Su-Field analysis.

    Book also includes 40 Inventive principles and articles about their evolution, the articles about S-curve life line of systems, the articles about approaches to scientific problem solving, and a table of using several physical effects for inventive problem solving.
    6.Altshuller G.S., Selutskii A.B. WINGS FOR ICARUS. Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1980.

    This book continues and develops some ideas from previous book. It includes more detailed presentation of some parts of TRIZ. Book contains descriptions and analysis of 50 educational problems.
    7.Altshuller G.S. THE ART OF INVENTING - AND SUDDENLY THE INVENTOR APPEARED. Moscow: Detskaya Literatura, 1989 (1st ed.-1984; 2nd ed.-1987; 3rd ed.- 1989). ISBN 5-08-000598-X

    This book was written in a popular manner and was aimed at teenagers. In this book, a reader can study 78 real inventive problems and learn to apply 27 practical tools and techniques to solve the problems presented. Book includes some advises for future inventors.
    8.Althsuller G.S., Zlotin B.L., Filatov V.I. PROFESSION: TO SEARCH FOR NEW. Kishinev: Karte Moldaveniaske, 1985.

    This book presents a combination of TRIZ and FSA (function-cost analysis, a modification of Value Engineering Analysis). It describes basic concepts of TRIZ and FSA and demonstrates the methodology of using TRIZ and FSA. In this book, a reader can learn methodology through the practical case studies.
    9.Altshuller G.S.: TO FIND AN IDEA: INTRODUCTION TO THE THEORY OF INVENTIVE PROBLEM SOLVING. Novosibirsk: Nauka, (1st ed.-1986; 2nd ed.-1991). ISBN 5-02-029265-6

    The book summarizes the experience obtained by the author during many TRIZ seminars in Moscow, Baku, Novosibirsk and other cities. Book includes a modern description of Su-Field analysis, many examples and descriptions of the problem solving process, modern viewpoint on the Laws of Evolution of technical systems. For the first time, ARIZ-85V with examples of analysis of inventive problem process is presented.

    A reader is also introduced to the approaches to overcoming mental inertia.

    In addition to these, the second edition of the book presents the Life strategy of creative person.
    10.Althsuller G.S., Zlotin B.L., Zusman A.V., Filatov V.I. SEARCH FOR NEW IDEAS: FROM INSIGHT TO TECHNOLOGY (THEORY AND PRACTISE OF INVENTIVE PROBLEM SOLVING), Kishinev: Kartya Moldovenyaska Publishing House, 1989. ISBN 5-362-00147-7

    In this book, a reader can find texts of 40 Inventive principles, 76 Inventive rules, ARIZ-85V, table of using several physical effects. Book includes articles about Trends of Evolution of technical systems, history of TRIZ, approaches to research problem solving, methodology of TRIZ-FSA, many description of practical inventive problems.
      11.Altshuller G., Vertkin I. A WORKING BOOK ON THE THEORY OF DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE PERSON. Kishinev: STC Progress in association with Kartya Moldovenyaska Publishing House. 1990.

    12.Althsuller G.S., Vertkin I.M. HOW TO BECOME A GENIUS: THE LIFE STRATEGY OF A CREATIVE PERSON. Minsk: Belarus, 1994. ISBN 985-01-0075-3

    The most comprehensive text about the Theory of Development of Creative Person (TRTL). This book includes three large parts: Choice of fortune, Performance, Work.

    First part was written as the series of articles and stories. It tells us about qualities of Creative person, Worth Goal, art of building plans. The text uses many of examples based on lives of real persons.

    The second part is presented as a description of the chess game between external circumstances and a creative person with typical moves of circumstances and powerful ripostes of creative person.

    The third part includes typical questions about a creative person, list of problems, summary card index for biographies, description of the ideal creative person strategy.


        other authors:

    13.Selutskii A.B., Slugin G.I. INSPIRATION BY ORDER. Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1977.

    Authors of this book are practical inventors with good experience with using TRIZ.

    Most of the book is devoted to the description of analysis and solving processes for inventive problems with ARIZ-68, ARIZ-71. It includes texts of 40 inventive rules with examples, a part about physical contradiction, a part about ideal machine definition, and parts about methods of development of creative imagination (RTV).
    14.Petrovich N.T., Tsourikov V.M. A WAY TO INVENTION. Moscow: Evrika, Molodaya Gvardia, 1986.

    This book describes all stages of inventor's work in a popular style. Most parts of the book are devoted to presenting the methods for inventive problems solving, approaches to the elimination of mental inertia and using computers for searching new solutions.

    In this book, a reader can find a lot of interesting examples.
    15.Ivanov G.I. …AND BEGIN TO INVENT. Irkutsk: Vostochno-Sibirskoe izdatelstvo, 1987.

    The author of this book is inventor with a long-term experience with using TRIZ. In this book, he describes his practice in solving and teaching TRIZ through a lot of examples.

    In this book reader can find a lot of original examples and problem descriptions.
    16. Zlotin B., Zusman A. A MONTH UNDER THE STARS OF FANTASY: A SCHOOL FOR DEVELOPING CREATIVE IMAGINATION. Kishinev: Kartya Moldovenyaska Publishing House. 1988.

      17.Zlotin B., Zusman A. THE INVENTOR CAME TO CLASS. Kishinev: Kartya Moldovenyaska Publishing House. 1989. ISBN 5-372-00498-3

    18.Altshuller G., Zlotin B., Zusman A.: THEORY AND PRACTICE OF INVENTIVE PROBLEM SOLVING. (methodical advices) Kishinev 1989.

    19.Zlotin B., Zusman A.: LAWS OF EVOLUTION AND FORECASTING FOR TECHNICAL SYSTEMS. (methodical advices) Kishinev 1989.

    20.Salamatov Y.P. HOW TO BECOME AN INVENTOR: 50 HOURS OF CREATIVITY. Moscow: Prosveschenie, 1990. ISBN 5-09-001061-7

    This book was written for students and teachers. The modern TRIZ is presented on the basis of over a hundred of case studies. The material of the book has a well understandable structure and presents the TRIZ concepts from simple to complex. The book includes many interesting examples drawn not only in engineering domain.
    21.Zlotin B.L., Zusman A.V. A.V. SEARCHING FOR NEW IDEAS IN SCIENCE. In Solving Scientific Problems, Kishinev: STC Progress in association with Kartya Moldovenyaska, 1991.

    22.Vikentyev I.L., Kaikov I.K. STAIRS OF IDEAS: TRIZ Basics, Examples and Case Studies. Novosibirsk, 1992.


    The book includes short description of basic TRIZ concepts and a lot of examples of inventive solutions from biology.
    24.Vikentyev I.L. METHODS OF ADVERTISING. Novosibirsk, 1993.

    25.Ivanov G.I. THE FORMULES OF CREATIVITY OR HOW TO LEARN TO INVENT. Moscow: Prosveschenie. 1994. ISBN 5-09-004135-0

    New edition of the previously published book by G.Ivanov …AND BEGIN TO INVENT. The author introduces many new examples and approaches from his practical experience.
    26.Gasanov A.I. and others. BIRTH OF THE INVENTION. Moscow: Interpraks, 1995. 432 p. ISBN 5-85235-226-8

    27.Vikentyev I.L. METHODS OF ADVERTISING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS. St. Petersburg: TRIZ-Chance, 1995.

      28.Trifonov D.N. COLLECTED TASKS FROM SCIENCE-FICTION LITERATURE. St. Petersburg, TRIZ-Chance, 1995

    29.Mitrofanov V.V. FROM MANUFACTURING DEFECT TO SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. St. Petersburg: TRIZ Association of St. Petersburg, 1998 ISBN 5-7997-0090-2

    30.Faer S.A. "METHODS OF STRATEGY AND TACTICS OF ELECTION CAMPAIGN". St. Petersburg: "Stol'ny grad", 1998 ISBN 5-89910-003-6

    The Author of the book, Sergey Faer -TRIZ- consultant on advertising, Public Relations and election campaigns, developer of more than thirty advertising campaigns of various firms and services. As part of his career he has successfully organized fifteen election campaigns in the past several years.


    31.Ivanov G.I., Bystritsky A.A. FORMULATING OF CREATIVE PROBLEMS. Chelyabinsk 2000, Library of magazine "Technologies of creativity"



    32.DARING FORMULAS OF CREATIVITY. Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1987.

    This is first book of the series of books about TRIZ.

    This book includes a large Altshuller's article about the modern concepts of TRIZ.

    In this book, a reader can find a lot of materials about physical effects and using them in practice for inventive problem solving.

    Book includes the series of SF stories "The star of psychology", by V.Juravleva. These stories can be used for improving imagination.
    33.A THREAD IN THE LABYRINTH. Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1988. ISBN 5-7545-0020-3

    This book includes articles: "To Fight and search", by I.M.Vertkin - about system of qualities of creative person; "Feats on molecular level", by Y.P.Salamatov - about using chemical effects in the inventive problem solving process; "Little immense worlds", by G.S.Altshuller - 76 Inventive Rules (Standards) with examples; "The Third millennium", by G.Altov - a science-fiction tale about a future of creative education development.
    34.RULES OF A GAME WITHOUT RULES. Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1989. ISBN 5-7545-0108-0

    This book includes: "ARIZ - this is victory", by G.S.Altshuller - Algorithm of inventive problem solving-85, third edition (ARIZ-85V) with examples of analysis; by G.I.Ivanov - about features of TRIZ implementation in industry; "Curve, that can always helps", by I.L.Vikentiev - about using geometrical effects in the inventive problem solving process; "Come to training ground", by B.L.Zlotin, A.V.Sussman - descriptions of practical problems; analysis and solution; "Gold horses of daring", by V.Juravleva - science-fiction stories.
    35.HOW TO BECOME A HERETIC. Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1990. ISBN 5-7545-0217-6

    This book includes the following articles: "How to become a heretic", by G.S.Altshuller, I.M.Vertkin - over 170 pages about the Life strategy of a creative person (GSTL): definition of a Worthy Goal, text of GSTL-3B, description of the Ideal Creative Dtrategy; "Come to training ground", by B.L.Zlotin, A.V.Sussman - descriptions of practical problems; analysis and solution; G.Altov, - science-fiction stories.
    36.CHANCE TO ADVENTURE. Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1991. ISBN 5-7545-0337-7

    This book includes: "System of The Laws of Technical Systems Evolution", by Y.P.Salamatov - description of a modern viewpoint on the Laws of Evolution of Technical systems, it includes many examples; "In searching for an Ideal substance", by V.R. Fey - a sophisticated analysis of using water for solving inventive problems; "What will happen after the final victory", by G.S.Altshuller, M.S.Rubin - eight thoughts (hypothesis) about the nature and future of technical systems "Colors for fantasy", by G.S.Altshuller - about approaches to the elimination of mental inertia.

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        IN ENGLISH:

    1.G.Altshuller: 1984, CREATIVITY AS AN EXACT SCIENCE: The Theory of the Solution of Inventive Problems. Translated by Anthony Williams. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. ISBN 0-677-21230-5

    2.G.Altshuller: 1996, AND SUDDENLY THE INVENTOR APPEARED: TRIZ, the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. Worchester, Massachusetts: Technical Innovation Center. ISBN 0-9640740-2-8

    This legendary book was one of the first published in English in 1990. It has been re-translated and extensively revised, including material not found in the original translation. It is Altshuller's most popular book in Russia on how to become an inventor, and how to solve technical problems. The translator, Lev Shulyak, is himself an accomplished inventor, engineer and TRIZ expert.

    3.Stan Kaplan: 1996, AN INTRODUCTION TO TRIZ. Ideation International Inc. ISBN 1928747000

    A brief theoretical description of numerous Classical TRIZ tools with examples of their use. This publication serves as a primer in the Ideation/TRIZ Methodology. Topics covered include Levels of Solutions, Laws of Development of Engineered Systems (aka Patterns of Evolution), Technical and Physical Contradictions, Separation Principles, SU-Field Theory, and Analysis of Useful and Harmful Effects in Systems. 44 pages, including contradiction matrix and 40 inventive principles.

    4.G.Altshuller: 1997, 40 PRINCIPLES: TRIZ Keys to Technical Innovation. Translated by Lev Shulyak and Steven Rodman. Worchester, Massachusetts: Technical Innovation Center. 141 pages, ISBN 0964074036

    This is the first volume in Technical Innovation Centers' TRIZ TOOLS Series. It includes the complete text of Genrich Altshuller's classic 40 Principles, plus: Genrich Altshuller: Father of TRIZ, by Leonid Lerner.

    Introduction to TRIZ & Three Steps for Solving an Inventive Problem, by Lev Shulyak.

    TRIZ Contradiction Matrix, one of the most powerful TRIZ Tools for solving inventive problems.

    5.Victor R. Fey, Eugene I. Rivin: 1997, THE SCIENCE OF INNOVATION: A Managerial Overview of the TRIZ Methodology. The TRIZ Group. 82 pages, ISBN 0-9658359-0-1

      6.Dr. John Terninko, Alla Zusman, Boris Zlotin: 1997, STEP-BY-STEP TRIZ: Creating Innovative Solution Concepts.

    7.Dana W. Clarke, Sr.: 1997. TRIZ: THROUGH THE EYES OF AN AMERICAN TRIZ SPECIALIST. Detroit, Michigan: Ideation International Inc. ISBN 1928747035

    This book will help the reader understand the basics of TRIZ tools from a practitioners perspective. These tools enhance creative and problem-solving abilities and provide the framework for the more powerful applications of the Ideation/TRIZ Methodologies. Topics include Ideality, Contradictions, Resources and Problem Formulation.

    8.John Terninko, Alla Zusman, Boris Zlotin: 1998, SYSTEMATIC INNOVATION: An Introduction to TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving). 150 pages, ISBN 1574441116

    TRIZ, the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, is a revolutionary new way of systematically solving problems and creating multiple-alternative right solutions. TRIZ is more than a methodology--it is a unique way of thinking that enhances creativity by getting individuals to think far beyond their own experience and to reach across disciples to solve problems using solutions from other areas of science or technology.

      9.TRIZ Research Report: AN APPROACH TO SYSTEMATIC INNOVATION, 1998, ISBN: 1879364999

    10.G.Altshuller: 1999, THE INNOVATION ALGORITHM: TRIZ, systematic innovation, and technical creativity. Worchester, Massachusetts: Technical Innovation Center. 312 pages, ISBN 0964074044

    A milestone in the development of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), this book is the result of over twenty years of research and analysis. Altshuller details TRIZ's problem solving algorithm (ARIZ) that can produce innovation of the highest order. Saturated with profound thoughts, insights, and examples, this book is regarded by many as Altshuller's magnum opus, his handbook for a creative and technological revolution.

    11.Y.Salamatov: 1999, TRIZ: THE RIGHT SOLUTION AT THE RIGHT TIME. Insytec B.V. 256 pages. ISBN 90-804680-1-0

    The book by Yuri Salamatov, Ph.D., one of the world's leading TRIZ researchers and practitioners, supplies all the detailed and current information you will need to know about TRIZ. The book first appeared in Russian language and became very popular among students, engineers and scientists.

    TRIZ is a Russian acronym which stands for the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving originated by Genrikh Altshuller. TRIZ introduces a systematic approach to solving innovative problems.

    Thoroughly revised, updated, and extended, this new uniquely organized text provides both students and working professionals with detailed assistance in understanding the underlying principles of TRIZ. The text explains the procedures and techniques for applying TRIZ to solving innovative problems in structured and logical way. It reveals how specific techniques, developed from the basic principles of TRIZ, can be used in a broad range of applications. Practical rather than theoretical, this book presents numerous examples on illustrating how the basic TRIZ principles and techniques are applicable to a limitless variety of inventive problems. The examples can be used to master skills with TRIZ while reading the book.

    A detailed coverage of TRIZ knowledge bases and techniques make the text an excellent reference sourcebook.

    This book promotes a better appreciation for the increasingly important role played by TRIZ in engineering and will prove to be essential to practicing engineers, designers, consultants, teachers and researchers.

    12.Vladis Kosse: 1999, SOLVING PROBLEMS WITH TRIZ: An Exercise Handbook. Ideation International Inc. 123 pages, ISBN 1928747019

    Recommended for beginning and advanced TRIZ users, this 123-page exercise handbook presents 176 complex problems from a variety of engineering disciplines including mechanical and manufacturing, civil and structural, aeronautical, electrical, military, agricultural and domestic and process and materials. It offers solutions and case studies for a majority of these problems; explaining how TRIZ tools and the Ideation/TRIZ Methodology were employed. Solutions are described in an easy-to-follow format and include detailed diagrams.

    13.Zlotin B., Zusman A., Altshuller G., Philatov V.: 1999, TOOLS OF CLASSICAL TRIZ. Ideation International Inc. 266 pages, ISBN 1928747027

    266-page book clearly and concisely defines the TRIZ tools developed by Genrich Altshuller. Perhaps the most comprehensive representation of Classical TRIZ in existence, this publication will serve as a valuable resource for those knowledgeable in the theory and practice of TRIZ. Novices will find a wealth of information, in an easy-to follow format that illustrates the depth and power of this unique and unparalleled methodology.

    14.Research Group Staff: 1999, TRIZ IN PROGRESS. Ideation International Inc. ISBN 1928747043

    The following report shares the results of the work of a large group of TRIZ specialists during a period that extended over a decade. this work was started by the Kishinev TRIZ School (in the Soviet Union), which later became the Ideation Research Group).

      15.Ph.D. Stan Kaplan, S. Visnepolschi, B. Zlotin, A. Zusman: NEW TOOLS FOR FAILURE & RISK ANALYSIS. An Introduction to Anticipatory Failure Determination (AFD) and The Theory of Scenario Structuring. Ideation International Inc., 1999, ISBN 1928747051

    16.Semyon D. Savransky: 2000, ENGINEERING OF CREATIVITY: Introduction to TRIZ Methodology of Inventive Problem Solving. 394 pages, ISBN 0849322553

    Invention and innovation lie at the heart of problem solving in virtually every discipline, but they are not easy to come by. Divine inspiration aside, historically we have depended primarily on observation, brainstorming, and trial-and-error methods to develop the innovations that provide solutions. But these methods are neither efficient nor dependable enough for the high-quality, high-tech engineering solutions we need today.

    TRIZ is a unique and powerful, algorithmic approach to problem solving that demonstrated remarkable effectiveness in its native Russia, and whose popularity has now spread to organizations such as Ford, NASA, Motorola, Unisys, and Rockwell International. Until now, however, no comprehensive, comprehensible treatment, suitable for self-study or as a textbook, has been available in English.

      17.Proceedings of the International Conference "TRIZ Future 2001", Bath UK, 7-9 Nov. 2001, ISBN 90-77071-01-625.

      18.Boris Zlotin and Alla Zusman: DIRECTED EVOLUTION: Philosophy, Theory and Practice. Ideation International Inc., 2001, 103 pages

      19.Kalevi Rantanen: SIMPLIFIED TRIZ: New Problem Solving Applications for Engineers. St. Lucie Press, 2002, 280 Seiten, ISBN 1574443232


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        IN KOREAN:

    1.Altshuller G.: 1998, AND SUDDENLY THE INVENTOR APPEARED: TRIZ, the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. Present & Future.

      2.Park Yung-Taek, Park Su-Dong: 1999, THE SIENCE OF INVENTION & PATENTS. Present & Future.

      3.Altshuller G.S.: 2002 THE INNOVATION ALGORITHM. "Actuality long future". Translated by Byung-Sun Kang (G.Altshuller: 1999, THE INNOVATION ALGORITHM: TRIZ, systematic innovation, and technical creativity. Translated by Lev Shulyak and Steven Rodman Worchester, Massachusetts: Technical Innovation Center. ISBN 0964074044)

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        IN GERMAN: 1

    1.Altschuller G.S.: 1973, Erfinden - (k)ein Problem?: Anleitung fur Neuerer und ErfinderTribune, Berlin
    2.Altow G.: Der Hafen der steinernen Sturme. Berlin: Verlag Das Neue Berlin 1980. 2. Auflage
    3.Altschuller, G.; Seljuzki, A.: FLUGEL FUR IKARUS. Uber die moderne Technik des Erfindens. Gemeinschaftsausgabe Verlag MIR Moskau, Urania Verlag Leipzig, Jena, Berlin, 1983
    4.G.S. Altschuller: Erfinden - Wege zur Losung technischer Probleme. VEB Verlag Technik Berlin, 1984. Limitierter Nachdruck 1998, 280 Seiten, ISBN 3-00-002700-9
    5.Linde H.J., Hill B.: 1993, Erfolgreich erfinden: widerspruchsorientierte Innovationsstrategie fur Entwickler und Konstrukteure Hoppenstedt Technik Tabellen Verlag
      6.Manfred von Ardenne, Gerhard Musiol u. Siegfried Reball: Effekte der Physik und ihre Anwendungen, Verl. HARRI DEUTSCH, 1997, 891 Seiten, ISBN 3817111746
    7.Terninko, John, B. Zlotin, A. Zusman: TRIZ - der Weg zum konkurrenzlosen Erfolgsprodukt. Landsberg/Lech: Verlag Moderne Industrie, 1998, 288 Seiten, ISBN 3-478-91920-7
    8.Teufelsdorfer H., Conrad A.: Kreatives Entwickeln und innovatives Problemlosen mit TRIZ / TIPS. Einfuhrung in die Methodik und ihre Verknupfung mit QFD. Verlag Publicis MCD, 1998, 120 Seiten, ISBN 3-89578-103-7
    9.Wirtschaftskammer Osterreich: Schneller entwicklen. Bessere Losungen finden mit TRIZ. Kongre?unterlage. Wien 1999
    10.Rolf Herb, Thilo Herb, Veit Kohnhauser: TRIZ - Der systematische Weg zur Innovation. Werkzeuge, Praxisbeispiele, Schritt-fur-Schritt-Anleitungen. Landsberg/Lech: Verlag Moderne Industrie, 2000, 260 Seiten, ISBN 3-47891-980-0
    11.Bernd Gimpel, Rolf Herb, Thilo Herb: Ideen finden, Produkte entwickeln mit TRIZ. Taschenbuch, Hanser Fachbuch, 2000, 180 Seiten, ISBN 3446211594
    12.Tilo Pannenbacker: Methodisches Erfinden in Unternehmen. Bedarf, Konzept, Perspektiven fur TRIZ-basierte Erfolge. Gabler Verlag, 2001, 324 Seiten, ISBN 3409118411
    13.Michael A. Orloff: Grundlagen der klassischen TRIZ. Ein praktisches Lehrbuch des erfinderischen Denkens fur Ingenieure. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2002, 270 Seiten, ISBN 3540668691
      14.Bernd Klein: TRIZ/TIPS - Methodik des erfinderischen Problemlosens. Taschenbuch, Oldenbourg, Mchn, 230 Seiten, 2002, ISBN 3486259520
      15.Pavel Livotov, Vladimir Petrov: Innovationstechnologie TRIZ. Produktentwicklung und Problemlosung. Handbuch. TriSolver Consulting 2002, Hannover, 302 Seiten, ISBN 3-935927-02-9
    1It was prepared according the information from Markus Grawatsch m.grawatsch@ipt.fraunhofer.de (2002), Pavel Livotov livotov@trisolver.com (2002), http://www.triz-online.de/literatur/default.htm


    (ρ) 1997-2002 OTSM-TRIZ Technologies Center
    Send your comments and proposals to:
    Nikolai Khomenko jlproj@gmail.com


    22 Jul 2002