
Original page (ru)

Explanatory notes
Programs of CID course ...




for elementary school

© Alla Nesterenko, Petrozavodsk, 1996-1999
Teacher of the Creative Imagination Development Course


2nd period

2nd - 4th quarters of the second grade and 1st - 2nd quarters of the 3d grade (44 hours)


    In the second period, the main "load" falls on the tool line. This line is divided into 2 "branches"- examining objects and solving inventive problems, which are planned separately. The work in the imagination line continues, a great attention is paid to the development of associative thinking (the notion of the Looking Glass World - World of Images is introduced). In the productive activities, a special stress is laid on the verbal creativity (making riddles, mini-fairytales, etc.). In the information line, emphasis is put on independent "fishing" for information (filling the bank of features).

    While working on the system approach to the object description (the 2nd part of the program), a "real" description successively alternates with an imaginative ("looking-glass") one. In the second period of the CID course, considerable attention is paid to the organization of the search work of children. This is the main distinction of this course from the propaedeutics of informatics where similar models are used.
    The second peculiarity of this period is the drill of the main notions of TRIZ by the invention problem solving means in the dialog mode.

    At this stage, the plot line weakens and is replaced with game. It seems that the rigid frames of the plot can decelerate the search work of children at this stage. Preserved are, however, the characters of the lessons among which the presence of wizards is necessary as they embody the principles of fantasizing. There is also plot motivation of some games (spy games, traveling to the Looking Glass World).


    Tool line

    It is supposed that after finishing the 2nd period of study the pupil must be able:
  • to ask questions for object descritpion;
  • to give real and imaginative descritpion of objects;
  • to reveal hidden properties of objects;
  • to mentally change the objects' features, determine the character of changes through a specified changed object;
  • to divide objects and sets of objects into parts by specified features, determine the grounds of such division through a preset result;
  • to conduct system search for a resource by a specified contradiction or IFR when solving problems in a dialog;
  • to build a "system lift" (not less than 5 levels);
  • to formulate Ideal Final Result in distinctly worded inventive problems, to orient the search for answer to IFR.;
  • to evaluate the problem solving process revealing some "+" and "-" of solutions.

    Imagination line
  • to decipher riddles - restore an image in accordance with a preset description;
  • to know how to find several associations for one proposed object or situation;
  • to build associations in accordance with specified limitations (compare the whole with a part, build simple system comparisons);
  • to imagine and describe the world on behalf of other living beings (objects), using preset oral supports.

    Information line
  • to know at least 7 features for object classification, to know how to classify objects by the main features;
  • to know the spectra of values of the most frequently used features.

    Productive line
  • to make riddles using preset supporting questions;
  • to make riddles-cipher messages by using a morphological table;
  • to think up new objects using the method of morphological analysis;
  • to fix the problem solving process in shots.



    Objects. Observing objects. Describing objects by analogy with specified ones. Real and imaginative description of objects. The Looking Glass World: the world of images, its distinction from the Real World.
    Comparison, search for associations. Embodiment.
    Object features. Determining the features by analogy. Describing in a model: "object ' feature ' feature value. Describing objects by means of a morphological box ("The box of riddles"). Unobvious values of features. Revealing hidden values. Changing an object by adding and "subtracting" the values. Impossible values of features. Inversion.


    Dividing by a feature. Different methods of dividing. The feature "composition". The composition and figurative description.
    Morphological analysis (inventing new objects). Repeated division in the system lift scheme. Grouping objects by the general value of the feature. Obtaining a new feature (combining into a supersystem).
    The feature "place". Versions of possible supersystems for place. Creating "lifts". Figurative description of place. System comparison.
    Feature "environment" (neighbors). Possible and impossible versions of environment. Figurative description of a supersystem and environment.
    Supersystem change and the "point of view" principle. Feature "function". Direct function of objects and use of objects in accordance with their new function.


    * The 3rd column of the table contains the number of lessons: N of a lesson in the period (upper line) and its number in the academic year of the 2nd and then of the 3rd grade (in parenthesis).

    N Topic Solving inventive problems (in a dialog mode) N of lessons
    1. Objects and their features.  The notion of an object.  Describing an object by arbitrary features similar to the specified features. Composing riddles. Search for an answer (as a search for resource) in a “yes-no” mode. 3
    2. The Looking Glass World or the Kingdom of Similarities.  What do the objects resemble? Embodiments (transformation into somebody or something).  Make Alive Wizard.  Oral descriptions “with the eye of other objects”. Problems formulated in the form of PhC (physical contradiction).  Search for resource by specified properties. 4 – 7
    3. Revealing the main features for describing an object.  Mastering the model object  feature value  Composing riddles – calques IFR in inventive problems (“Wise Counsel”).   8-9
    4. Acquaintance with the “Box of Riddles”. Filling the bank of features (“Color” and “Shape). Solving the “shape constructor” problems. Composing and solving figured riddles. IFR in inventive problems (“Wise Counsel”). 10-11
    5. Filling the bank of features (to the class’s choice, for instance, the features “temperature”, “smell”. Describing the feature value through revealing the hidden values of features (“What don’t you guess straightaway?”) IFR problems (formulating IFR and search for resource in a dialog). 12-13
    6. Changing real and fantastic features.  (“Pigs might fly”) Give-Take Wizard. Filling the bank of features. IFR tasks  (formulating IFR and search for resource in a dialog). 14-15
    7. Opposite values of features. Fairy of Inversion. “Reverse riddles”.  Test. ------- //---------- 16-17
    8. Feature “Composition”.  Dividing an object by features.  The magic binoculars of Break-Build Wizard. Determining a feature by which the object is divided).  Break-Build Wizard in the Looking Glass World.  Comparing the parts (composing riddles). Describing embodied parts.  Evaluation of solution versions (“+” and “-“ and the gateway to the Technical Contradiction (TC)   18-21
    9. Combining by features. ---------//---------- 22(29)
    10. Morphological box (inventing new objects by the method of morphological analysis). Transfer from TC to IFR in a dialog. 23-25
      Reserve (final lesson, creative works, and competitions).   3 hours

    3rd grade

    11. Repetition: games and riddles. Training in all basic problem-solving skills. 35 (1)
    12. The feature "Place". The game "I think of a place…". Filling the feature "Place" in the bank of features. System lift. Mystic places. "Looking Glass places" (system comparison). Riddles in the lift. Test work Problems with an interindividual conflict. Problems of selecting an object for which IFR is demanded. 36-40
    13. The feature "Environment" ("neighbors"). Composing and solving "neighbors" riddles. Neighbors in the Looking Glass World. The "Point of View" principle - describing a new environment as if it is seen by a character. Solving problems and discussing at least 2 tools (TC - IFR), IFR - PhC. 41-44
    14. The feature "Function". Filling the bank of features. Thinking of an object performing a certain function or action. ------------//------------ 45-47
    15. General review (ÐÒ-3) Tests.   48-49


    Methodology: A.A.Nesterenko, N.N.Khomenko, I.N.Murashkovska
    Tasks Methodical literature, explanatory notes
    The lessons of the second period start with defining by the teacher and children the purposes of their work: the world is full of riddles and we'll learn to solve and compose riddles. The result of the work will be a Book of Riddles. Everyone will have his or her own book. Discussion on which professions require solving riddles. One of such professions is the profession of a feeler. For instance, your purpose is to become a feeler and so we'll learn to be a feeler. But our purpose will be to gain not the army secrets of enemies but the secrets hidden in common things, objects.

    Another specific feature of the CID lessons: EVERYTHING can be studied at these lessons. Because any whole - from a ball to an equation can be an object. Everyone can choose objects for study at his liking. Determine an object as any whole and collect a bank of objects. .

    The banks are discussed in a group thus determining the spectrum of possible objects. The names or drawings of the most interesting objects are put on the blackboard
    A.A.Nesterenko. "Secrets of Creative Training"
    Every pupil chooses an object for himself and says something interesting about if (or demonstrates some of its parts or properties). Then it is fixed in WB.  
    Composing a riddle in accordance with a support (general quiz with a support on the blackboard, then work in pairs with fixing the result in the work-book), composing riddles individually. Solving and discussing the riddles. A.A.Nesterenko. "The Land of Riddles"
    The game "Spy". Let's imagine that we are spies and we must transfer and receive secret information… The conductor (first a teacher and then this role should be necessarily passed to a pupil) thinks of some object and says: "I see an object…" The pupils must ask questions, to which children can answer with one word (but not the questions to which yes or no can be answered. This is the difference between this game and the "Dialog with a Computer"). The pupils should find questions themselves, this is very important. In the course of the game, the children find questions, which are the names of features (color, shape, size, place, function, etc.) The game recurs and it becomes clear which questions-features describe the object better. .

    The game "Tower-Room" .

    The conductor describes an object and the children should copy his statement - apply it to their own objects (that is, to describe the object by the same feature). For instance:
    C: - My kerchief is yellow and black.
    P: - And my pen is blue.
    C: - My kerchief is made of cotton.
    P: - And my pen is made of plastic…
    The game can be organized without a conductor: the children in every row have their own object, one row describes it, two other rows copy, then vice versa…).
    I.N.Murashkovska. "Games for Younger Children"
    Composing riddles-calques. The notion of a feature (as a question asked about an object) and the feature value (as an answer). Describing the object in a model "obejct - feature - value".  
    Acquaintance with the "Box of Riddles". The "Box of Riddles" (or the "Bank of Features") is a universal means for composing riddles. If the Box is made appropriately, one can take a fantastic number of riddles out of it. The Box is a table in the head column of which the names of features - questions are indicated (part of them have already been proposed, the rest of them should be found by the children themselves), and the lines are filled with the names (drawings) of various feature values (answers). If a good spectrum of values is indicated, various objects can be riddled.
    Below (Fig.1) is given a fragment of the filled "Box". Let's code the object "Carrot" using this fragment: 1Á 2B3B-Ã
    (color: orange; shape: cone; size: bigger than a fly, but smaller than a ball).
    Some methodological notes concerning the work with the Box of Riddles. The Box is filled during the entire 2nd period of training. At the children's wish, this work can be continued in the 3rd period as well (such possibility is envisaged in WB-3). All the search work is closed on the Box of Riddle.
    In the course of filling the Box, the following problems should be revealed and solved:
    1. The problem of filling a header line (search for those important features, which are not indicated in the Box, for instance, the feature "function". The task is set in the following way: it is necessary to find features which allow more interesting riddles to be composed.
    2. The problem of setting the feauture values. It will look differently for different features:
  • Which names of colors are enough to describe the color of any object?
  • What should we do if there is more than one color (solution: code by a "complex code": 1 abz - Which shapes should be chosen in order to make any complex shape, what should be done when the shape repeats (for instance, it has 4 spheres, 3 cones) (you can agree to indicated the number inside the code or just not to indicate it);
  • What should be done when it's still impossible to descibe the feature value by the table, but the table is already filled (for this case we leave a vacant square or write the word "OTHER" in an adjacent square. Pointing to this square means that no one of the values written in the table suits us.
  • How to describe features with a continuous value (we agreed not to use numerical values, though in principle we can do this as well, depending on the class specification. Normally we describe continuous values also through comparison (mass as that of an atom, a bacterium, a cat, a man, etc.). In this case we specify that the evaluation is very approximate. In the riddles we indicate the range of meanings (4Â-Ã can mean, for instance, that the mass is greater than that of a cat, but smaller that that of a man).
    3. The problem of uniformity. The children reveal this problem relatively quickly. The contradiction consits in that independent filling of the bank is more interesting, but it does not allow using your work-book for deciphering the riddles composed by other children. That is why we discussed the value of features orally or filled them in with an easy-to-erase pencil and then fixed a common version in the work-book.

    The other version, probably a more correct one, but difficult to realize, is collecting his or her own bank by each child, using the author's bank for solving a riddle, whereas in a frontal work it is worth using a big teaching aid, for instance, a special panel with pockets placed on a blackboard. Pictures are put into the pockets and are easily replaced if necessary. In any case, it is necessary to take care of good working efficiency of the Box of Riddles. Children like to work with it, but only in case there are chances to get a result.
  • 11,

    Table of features of Box of Riddles (fragment)

        A B C D E F G H I K
    1 Color Ê Î Æ Ç Ã Ñ Ô White Gray Black
    2 Shape Cube Parallelepiped Cone Cylinder Prism Pyramid Sphere Torus    
      Size As an atom As a bacterium As a fly As a ball As a kitten As me As an elephant As a house As a skyscraper As a city

    Tasks ¹ in WB Methodologicl literature, explanatory notes
    Showing hidden features
    The game "Show a value" (or "Show a property"). The teacher shows an object to the children and asks of what features of this object they shouldn't judge immediately. It is desirable here to show an object that produces 'optical illusion" (it seems heavy but it is actually light, it looks eatable, but in reality it is inedible, and so on). After that it is proposed to make the object manifest a hidden property (to make it sound, to weigh it in a hand…). Then another object is chosen and it is proposed to make it show its properties. The winner is the one who knows how to find a hidden property and who is the last to reveal it. A similar task is fulfilled in a notebook. It can be discussed and then fulfilled by the children themselves. In N 15 it is necessary to formulate the condition under which a property will manifest itself in the support "if… then".
    14, 15  
    Fables or other impossible values of features. First we discuss what values of a feature are impossible for a specified object and under what conditions these values can manifest themselves. Water cannot set, but it can change into ice…
    "The football of fables" game. The class is split into 2 teams. One team "throws a ball" - says a fable about a feature (for instance, "a bear cannot be smaller than a fly"). The other team "throws the ball back" - proves that this is possible (a bear can be smaller than a fly if it is a toy bear or if it is on a lantern slide. If the 2nd team manages to prove this, it scores a goal to the 1st team. If not, the goal is scored to the 2nd team. The winner is the team, which scores more goals.
    A new wizard is introduced: Give-Take. He can give an object or take away some value of a feature (for instance, to give a new part, to change its composition: to take away little creatures of one kind and to give little creatures of another kind). Traditionally, the children draw his portrait so that it is possible to recognize him immediately. 17  
    "Guess the transformation" game. The conductor (this role is first played by the teacher and then is passed to children) thinks of some fantastic transformation (for instance, a bus is turned into a house) and determines which of the wizards and how did it. (Give-Take took away the wheels, engine and part of seats, Little Giant increased its size and so on.). He proposes the children to guess how it was done. In the course of the game other possible ways of transformation are discussed, they are usually several. One of the riddles is fixed in the notebook. 18  
    Opposite values of features.
    One more fairy is introduced - Fairy of Inversion. When it is hot in a house she says: What a terrible cold! When somebody gets a bad mark she calls him a five-pointer. She even stands on her head (a picture or a doll can be used and then turned on its head when composing "reverse riddles"). The task is to draw a portrait of the Fairy, to discuss the idea and to choose the best one.
    20 I.N.Murashkovska. "When I Become a Wizard".
    Proposing and guessing "reverse riddles" (indicating not the features possessed by an object, but opposite ones: hot instead of cold, solid instead of liquid, etc.
    When a "reverse riddle" is read, it is worth using a visual support: to turn Fairy of Inversion (or another character) on its head and to return her to the normal position when the children decipher the value of the feature. The teacher should teach the children to turn the description, given in a "reverse riddle", mentally and mutely.
    The Looking Glass World or the Kingdom of Similarities. "What resembles what" game. An object is presented to the children. They must answer what it resembles and to prove their statement.
    At the next stage the game is conducted "in echelon": one pupil says what an object resembles, the other one substantiates his statement and then proposes his own version.
    Composing riddles to the following scheme:
    "What does it resemble? - What is the difference?
    22-24 A.A.Nesterenko"The Land of Riddles"
    Embodiment of objects. A new wizard is introduced - Make Alive. He can animate any inanimate object. The object acquires its own character and mood. It can speak and tell us about its feelings.
  • to draw a portrait of the wizard.
  • to imagine that you have turned into some object, for instance, an umbrella, and somebody walks with you under rain. Use the support (I see… hear… feel…, am surprised… fear…), to tell us about your (umbrella's) impressions.
  • 25
    Dividing an object by a specified feature.
    It is clear that very often one can give not one but a lot of anwers to a question - feature concerning one object.
    Ask: "What color is a rainbow? And you will hear seven answers in one answer. In such cases Break-Build can divide an object by this feature.
    Tasks (it is worth writing on the blackboard tasks similar to those given in WB).
  • Break-Build thought of an object and divided it three times by three features (by shape, substance, and action). It is necessary to guess the object (in this case a pen is meant).
  • 29  
    Break-Build divided a car by 3 different features. Guess these features and finish the wizard's work (in the fisrt drawing the car is divided by shape, in the second - by state, in the third - by material). 30  
  • Divide a specified object by specified features.
  • 31  
  • Draw your own set of objects and group them by different features (choose features by yourself).
  • 32  
    Transfer to the Looking-Glass World.
    A more complicated version of the game "What resembles what?"
    "Imagine that my object is not the whole but a part of something". The part of what object does it resemble? (for instance, a pen is a column of a house; a cap is a dome of a castle, etc.).
    The game "What resembles what?" with specification: when comparing an object with another object, it is necessary to compare parts (if we compare a comb with a porcupine, it is necessary to explain where his head and paws are (or why we cannot see them, to answer to a reverse question, for instance, "what is the pen?", etc.). Compare the parts of an object with the parts of other objects and compose a riddle.
    Choosing objects by a feature. Reverse task (determining the choice by a specified result).
    The game "Guess how the binoculars are focused". The Break-Build's magic binoculars (remember the LCM of the 1st grade) have one more important property: they can be focused on some property (some value of a feature) and make visible only those objects (parts) which possess this property. Break-Build Wizard examines objects through his magic binoculars and sees: a windowpane, tips of some pens, he does not see us, but sees our eyes (partially), he sees ribbon tied into a knot in the pigtails of girls…
    How are the Break-Build's binoculars focused? (they notice only transparent objects and their parts).
    First, the teacher proposes riddles, then the children compose riddles themselves.
      Ñá. "Îäàðåííûå äåòè" (ðåä. Ã.Â.Áóðìåíñêîé è Â.Ì.Ñëóöêîãî)
    Imagine that Break-Build Wizard gathered all objects which he saw through the binoculars. What does he have? (the task is to harvest by feature.
    The reverse task is to determine by what feature the objects are grouped.
    Inventing new objects by the method of morphological analysis.
    Suppose we want to invent a new object of a specified class. Make a morphological table (morphological box).
    Separate some most important features of an object (more often such features in simple objects are shape of its main parts) and write them down in the first column of the table. In the rest of the columns, write down or draw different variants of values of a given feature (one feature - one line of the table). Normally, the number of the line is denoted by a figure and the number of the column is denoted by a letter, or vice versa. By combining the values of features, obtain new kinds of objects. Some of them may be interesting.
    By way of illustration we usually draw a smiling phis, divide it into parts (eye, eyebrows, nose…), write them down in a column and draw different versions of each part of the phis, not neglecting the most unusual and funny. Then we choose the most interesting variant of each part and combine them. Now we have two "portraits".
    The second invention may be a jacket or a cap, or some other object may be chosen.
      Description of morphological analysis is available in many books on TRIZ, for instance, in the book by A.B.Selyutsky and G.I.Slugin "Inspiration to order".
    The methodology of morphological analysis for younger children is given in the book by S.I.Gin "The World of Fantasy".
    The preparatory stage is described in the book by T.A.Sidorchuk "The Stories about…"
    The feature "place".
    The "Yes-No" game: "I thought of a place where our hero travels".
    After playing this game several times, you can take a decision to fill the line "place" in the Box of Riddles. Truly, it is a very arguable question. We normally used a "geographical version" (on our planet, on other planets, on land, underground, in water, on water, etc.). It is clear that the feature "place" cannot be distributed in line, but there is no other variant in the Box. However, the problem of describing this feature "in a line" is so acute, that the methodological lapses, I think, are compensated by the motivation of the task.
    The game "football".
    The class is split into 2 teams. The teacher shows an object. The first team must name a place where this object cannot be found. The second team proves that, on the contrary, this object can be found in that place under certain conditions. If the argument is accepted, the second team is considered to have scored a goal, if not, the goal is considered to be scored by the first team.

    Q: - Where cannot a key be found?
    1st team: - in a waterglass;
    2nd team: it can be found there if we put it there.
    Q: the answer is accepted. Your version, please.
    2nd team: - on Mars?
    1st team: - It may happen that some builder of a mars car left a key in it and the key dropped from the car on Mars…
    (an so on)
    As a result the children draw a conclusion that the object, as a rule, can be found almost everywhere (normally the winner is the team which hits upon the idea to decrease the place in size (the key cannot be placed inside a molecule…).
    Building a system lift.
    The model of the system lift is similar to that of the binoculars (see the 1st period course), but it is treated more widely and employs more "floors" (system levels). The rules of building the lift are simple: when going one floor down, we every time leave only part of the object, rejecting the rest. And vice versa: when going one floor up, we attach new parts until a new whole is obtained.

    Introducing the system lift model, it is better to give one object or more "a ride" in the lift (for instance, a house built of an erector set). It is desirable to have a teaching aid, such as a supersystem of a house - a street made with the use of an erector set.) Separately it is worth considering the question of what we are going to obtain on the ground floor, modeling the substance particles by means of little creatures (here think again about the binoculars).

  • Finish building partially built "lifts" (the number of empty squares can be increased gradually);
  • Build a "lift" top-down;
  • Build a "lift" bottom-up;
  • Do the same in both directions from the center.
  • 37,
    The game "mysterious lift".
    The conductor (first the teacher and then the pupils) chooses an object and gives it a "ride" in the lift. He shows a floor and the children's task is to guess what is on this floor. The game becomes more complicated because the conductor has the right to "skip over" some floors.
    Suppose, the conductor gives a "ride" to a biro. He points to the central window (where, as agreed, the object itself is placed) and says: "there is a pen here". Then he goes down skipping over one floor.
    The children: - there is the body here.
    The conductor: - no, the body is one floor up, to get it, it is necessary to take the biro to pieces once.
    Ch: - refill.
    C: - you are right. And now? (the conductor goes one floor above the object).
    Ch: - the pen in a pen-case (and the like).
    Places in the Looking-Glass World
    Complicating the game "What resembles what?
    Comparing an object with a combination of two or more objects. ("I've noticed that this biro is similar to a pair of beings who met each other. Who else has noticed that?) (a train-refill is creeping in a railway tunnel-body).
    A comparison for the place is specified - it is necessary to determine what this object resembles. (If a table is a seacoast, what does the bottle on the table resemble?)
    Composing riddles ("What does this object resemble? - What does this place resemble?)
    The riddle can be composed in two ways: first, compare the place with something, then compare the object, or vice versa, start with the object. It is probably worth trying both ways.
    The feature "environment" ("neighbors")
    "Neighbors" (in TRIZ they are accompanying systems or co-systems) - are objects that surround our object in a specified place (supersystem).
    If the line "place" in the Box of Riddles is difficult to fill, the line "neighbor" is almost impossible to fill. But nevertheless it is quite possible to play the game "I thought of a neighbor". The children quickly find out that the "neighbor" can be guessed by feature, as any object.
    Auction: name objects which often have common neighbors with the specified object and prove this (nails, boards, rope, rake are the hammer's neighbors when the hammer is in a boxroom; hands are its neighbors when the hammer is used for work…) Guess an object by its neighbors.
    Compose a riddle (we name "neighbors" and the children should guess the object itself). 53-55  
    Neighbor in the Looking-Glass World.
    The game "transformation of a classroom"
    . Imagine that the classroom turned to the seabed (forest, a giant's pocket…). We are still in it and must explain what surrouds us (if the classroom is the seabed, then the lace curtains on the windows are the sunrays falling from above, the sink with the tap is part of the diving-dress… The reverse question: "Where are octopuses and where are corals on the seabottom?"…)
      I.N. Murashkovska. "When I Become a Wizard"

    A.A.Nesterenko. "The Travel to the Looking-Glass World".
    The "point of view" principle. Describe new unfamiliar neighbors as they are seen by the object (on the basis of its previous experience).   For detail see: A.A.Nesterenko. "The Skill of Creation" or A.A.Nesterenko. "A Whale and a Cat".
    The feature "function"
    . The children usually arrive themselves at the necessity to use this feature for describing artificial objects. It is often enough to ask about the object's function for the riddle to be solved. This line is not introduced in the Box of Riddles deliberately - it is added by the children themselves. To fill a corresponding line, it is necessary to riddle a function in a "yes-no" mode many times.
    Using objects in accordance with their direct function and using hidden possibilities (a hammer can be used to smooth out paper, to wind thread, it can be used in a noise orchestra, etc.). Here the notion of resource as the object's possibilities can be introduced. Combining objects by their function (everything to draw with). Guess an object by its function (in this case not only the main function, but also possible additional functions are named). If there is enough time, the Robinson Cruso's Method can be used.    
  • top  

    (ñ) 1997-2002 OTSM-TRIZ Technologies Center
    Send your comments and proposals to:
    Nikolai Khomenko jlproj@gmail.com


    07 Apr 2002